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Trunk injection of trees is a way to efficiently treat many different insect and disease problems, as well as nutrient deficiencies, in a manner that limits environmental exposure. This method also uses the least amount of pesticide as compared to other conventional treatment methods. Trunk injection involves using a special injection tool which places and seals the insect control directly into the trunk where it is quickly taken up by the vascular system and distributed throughout the tree.

Bacteria treatments: Micro-injectable systemic antibiotic for the treatment of bacterial infections of trees and palms.Effective for:Ash Yellows, Bacterial Leaf Scorch, Fire Blight, Leaf Spot, Lethal Yellows, Phytoplasma Disease, Texas Phoenix Palm Decline.

Pest treatments: Micro-injectable systemic pesticide, Treatment For: Leaf chewing insects including caterpillars, pine tip moth, winter moth, gypsy moth, eastern tent caterpillars, fall cankerworm, fall webworm, piercing-sucking insects such as adelgids (including Hemlock Woolly Adelgid), aphids, spider mites, scale, boxelder bug, thrips, leafhopper, mealy bugs, and chewing and mining insects such as leafminers, sawflies, birch leafminer and many others.

General tree nutrition: Micro-injectable systemic,to promote development and function of roots, stem and foliage. Effective Treatment For: Oaks, Birch, Beech, Cherry, Elm, Horse Chestnut, Linden, Poplar, Sycamore and others.








 Injectable fungicide: Micro-injectable systemic fungicide, Treats 

Wilt on Oaks Leaf Disease on Crabapples Anthracnose on Sycamores Dutch Elm Disease on Elms Grasses: Anthracnose, Red Thread, Brown Patch, Dollar Spot, Spring Dead Spot, Fusarium Patch, Gray Leaf Spot, Gray Snow Mold, Leaf Spot, Necrotic Ring Spot, Pink Patch, Pink Snow Mold, Powdery Mildew, Stripe Smut, Summer Patch, Take-all Patch, Yellow Patch, Zoysia Patch Ornamentals & Flowers: Conifer Blights, Flower Blight, Leaf Blights/Spots, Powedery Mildew, Rust











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